Home Education The Benefits of Kindergarten in Bangkok

The Benefits of Kindergarten in Bangkok

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There are many benefits to sending your child to kindergarten. Children learn social skills when they interact with other children, and they will get a head start on their learning as well. If you are in the Bangkok area, you may want to send your child to kindergarten.

Collaborative Learning Environment

In many cases, kindergarten provides a collaborative learning environment where children can learn from each other as well as from books and a teacher. This allows younger students to learn from older students, and older students are able to gain confidence and practice their skills through helping younger students learn.

Exposure to a Variety of Classes

Often, children who are in kindergarten have the opportunity to take a range of classes, including music, language, and physical education. In a school such as Raintree International School, children have ample time to socialise, as well as exposure to different arts and subjects.

Composite Kindergarten Classes

Often kindergarten classes include children from ages three to five, and these composite classes provide many advantages to both the younger children and the older. The older children learn how to be mentors for the younger kids, which gives the older students added responsibility and allows them to gain confidence. They are also able to demonstrate appropriate behaviour for the younger kids, who are far more likely to learn by example.

Conversely, younger children are able to learn how to ask for help from their peers. This is an important life skill, and it improves the learning process.

Finally, children learn that kindergarten focuses on everyone achieving his or her personal best, and this is the measure for future success. In general, because these children are working and learning together, they are getting an early start in collaboration efforts.

The Goals of Kindergarten

Kindergarten is a special part of children’s school experience. It is often a child’s first exposure to school, and it can help them develop into good students as they age. Composite kindergarten classes group children from age three to five together in one classroom, and they are able to work together to learn.

Older children set an example for the younger ones, and they have an opportunity to be leaders as well. Together, these children learn through purposeful play, which enables them to learn by investigating new things and coming up with explanations and solutions.

When children show an interest in a particular activity, they are allowed to further explore it. This makes learning more engaged because it is based on developing the children’s interest as opposed to studying a rigid curriculum. The teachers are there to guide your child on this journey, and he or she will leave prepared to go to school.

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