Home Education Everything A Parent Must Know About Magnet Schools

Everything A Parent Must Know About Magnet Schools

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As a parent, one of the toughest decisions is to select the right school and education path for your child. From charter schools, to classic Christian education schools, public schools, and magnet schools, the options are many in the US. If you are interested in knowing about magnet schools in CT, here are some facts worth knowing.

The concept

There are over 4,000 magnet schools in the US, and the main concept of each school is to focus on a specific curriculum theme. A magnet school may focus on areas like Fine and Performing Arts, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), and World Languages.

The advantages

So, should you consider magnet schools while looking for options for your child? Fairly, it depends on many factors, but this form of education has some advantages. Students are exposed to a global educational experience. The curriculum is not merely innovative, but focuses on a theme. If you want your child to take interest in a specific branch, this could be the right choice by all means. The assessment strategies used in this school are designed to help and promote talent, and all students get equal attention. The educators and teachers are known names in their field, and everything is student-centered, which is a great advantage.

Are magnet schools same as charter schools?

No, magnet schools are not same as charter schools. While both are a part of public-school system, magnet schools must adhere to state requirements, which is not always the case for charter schools. Also, magnet schools are not for profit, but charter schools can be profit-based educational institutions.

Other aspects to understand

Not all magnet schools are close by, so depending on where you reside, your child may have to travel more. Magnet schools try and cultivate specific interests, and therefore, students often don’t make friends beyond school, which is often a commonly cited con of this form of education.

Final word

However, this are minor hiccups in otherwise what’s called a perfect system of education. If you are selecting a magnet school, check all the details and ensure that you have discussed or at least tried to assess the interests of your child. There is no denying that magnet schools prep students better for a career ahead, and being a part of the public schooling system, you have no reason to doubt the functioning of these schools. Just do your homework right.

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